Curriculum Night and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Project


Thank you for joining us last week for Curriculum Night. We look forward to working with everyone this year. This blog is one way we hope to make the Aozora community more inclusive. Hopefully, we can have not only teachers but also family members contribute to the blog! Let us know if you have any topic you’d like to write about.

We want to include everyone in the community so we will also be setting up a DEI Committee. This committee is an opportunity for teachers and families to come together and brainstorm ways we can make the Aozora community a space where every member feels valued. Please reach out if you are interested in joining the DEI Committee to Tabatha via Bloomz or email (


今年からDEI Committeeも立ち上げました。DEI Committeeは先生と家族がコラボレーションをしてあおぞらがもっとみんなが居心地よく過ごせるスペースにするためには何が必要か?と話し合い、みんなが自分がコミュニティーの大事な一員だと感じるようなコミュニティー作りをしていきます。興味がある方はタバサに連絡してください(Bloomz or email:

PS. I would also like to share a survey you can fill out to share your thoughts anonymously: Please share any questions or feedback you have regarding the DEI Project. This is a completely new initiative and we know everyone feels differently about this topic.

We want to include everyone in the conversation.