After School Program

For the children born in 2019 to 2021


Welcome to our Japanese After School Program designed exclusively for 3 to 5-year-old children (children born between 2019 and 2021)! Our program provides a fun and nurturing environment where children can explore their interests and develop essential skills through various classes, including Pre-ballet, Pre-Hiragana, Shodo, Taiso, Dance, Cooking, and Kids Yoga. All of our After School classes are held in Japanese and are open to all children who are able to understand the classroom instruction in Japanese. Our After School classes are a fun exploration of creativity where young minds blossom and friendships flourish. The classes are for 45 minutes. However, extended care is also available until 6 pm. A wholesome homemade snack is included in each class. Enroll your child today to enjoy learning with the added benefit of cultural enrichment!


2024-2025 School Year
Spring Term Tuition

The information will be updated soon!

For detailed information or inquires, please contact us at


Drop Off: 3pm – 3:15pm
After School Class: 3:15pm – 4:00pm
Extended Care (Optional): 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Drop In

Choice Time Only (3-4pm): $24
Extended Care only (4-6pm): $32
Choice Time and Extended Care (3-6pm): $54

Choice Time Drop-In registration and payment needs to be completed before 12PM on the requested day. Ideally, please give us at least 1-2 business day notice.

If you need to cancel your registration for Choice Time Drop-In Care, you must let us know by 12pm on the day your child is scheduled to participate in the class. If you already paid for the drop-in class at the time of the cancellation, we can issue you family credit but not a refund.


After School Program Enrollment is by term.

  • Fall Term:

  • Winter Term:

  • Spring Term:

Students will be enrolled on a first-come first-served basis. We accept applications until all of the seats are filled. 10-12 children per class.


Classes for the students in Pre-K and Kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school will be held in the Clinton location (535 Clinton Ave)

Classes for the student born in 2021, will be held in the St Marks location (238 St Marks Ave)


All of our After School classes are held in Japanese and are open to all children born in 2019 to 2021 who are able to understand the classroom instruction in Japanese.



  • 秋学期(2024年)

  • 冬学期(2025年)

  • 春学期(2025年)



2024-2025年度、プリKからキンダーまでに属しているお子様はクリントン校舎(535 Clinton Ave)のクラス、2021年生まれのお子さんは、St Marks校舎(238 St Marks Ave) のクラスになります。




AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM CANCELLATION AND SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICY: In case of a cancellation or schedule change for the after-school program, families will be eligible for a refund or family credit as long as Aozora Community is notified 5 business days or more prior to the first day of the registered class. A service fee will be incurred for ALL cancelation and schedule changes. The service fee is $75 if requesting a family credit, and $100 if requesting a refund. A child’s registration cannot be transferred to another child under any circumstances.

REFUND POLICY: The after-school tuition is not refundable nor transferable towards other Aozora’s programs for any reason from 5 business days prior to the first day of the registered class. Refunds will not be issued in the event that the class is closed due to any unforeseen government health mandate or snow closure. If your child is absent due to sickness, we cannot accept any make-up days or give a tuition refund under any circumstance.

FAMILY CREDIT: Family credit can be shared with siblings or other family members. Family credit needs to be used within 24 months. Family credit cannot be paid out in cash.