The Importance of Gross Motor Activities

Preschool Program Newsletter: January 2024

I am delighted to share the important role that gross motor activities play in your child's early development. In our Preschool Program, we are committed to engaging every child in essential physical activities daily, whether it be in our backyard, on the playground, or through structured exercises.

What are Gross Motor Skills?

Gross motor skills are movements using the large muscles of the torso, legs, and arms.  Gross motor skills are the important foundation of your child's physical and behavioral development. These skills, which include movements like sitting, standing, walking, running, and jumping, are not just about physical growth. They are integral in shaping a child's ability to carry out everyday tasks and actively participate in physical exercises.

Children develop these skills in a sequential manner, starting with head control and then progressing to shoulder, arm, and hand control. In the lower body, development begins with the hips and gradually extends to the legs, feet, and toes. This sequential progression forms the foundation for all future physical interactions.

Why are Gross Motor Skills Important?

Good gross motor skills enable children to explore their world more confidently. These skills involve using large muscle groups for activities such as running, jumping, and climbing. They equip children with the physical capability and confidence to interact with their environment. When children feel secure in their movements, they are more inclined to engage in exploration, play, and physical activities that enhance their experiences and understanding of the world.

This exploration is vital for cognitive and sensory development, helping children understand spatial relationships, cause and effect, and the physical properties of objects and spaces. Strong gross motor skills pave the way for a world of learning and discovery opportunities.

Additionally, these skills are crucial for school readiness, assisting children in activities like sitting properly at a desk, engaging in sports, navigating playgrounds, and managing personal tasks like using the toilet and adjusting their clothes. These abilities ensure that your child can move and function efficiently, bolstering their cognitive, speech, and sensory development.

Encouraging Gross Motor Skills at Aozora

We're dedicated to nurturing these skills in a fun, safe, and supportive environment. Now let’s take a look at what each class engages to strengthen the children's gross motor skills.


In the Suzume Class, children have been enjoying eurythmics since the school year began. This fun activity not only improves their gross motor skills but also enhances their listening skills and focus. Activities include marching, jumping, frog jumps, balancing, and stop-and-go movements, all coordinated with piano music.


The Hibari Class starts each day with dance, awakening their brains and bodies. This helps the children focus and coordinate their bodies to rhythm and instructions. They also participate in Yoga with Ayuko every Friday, strengthening their core muscles and flexibility with entertaining pop music.


Children in the Uguisu Class are enthusiastic about their circuit (obstacle course), including going through tunnels, jumping on trampolines, walking on balance beams, and rolling on mats. These activities provide physical sensations beneficial for gross motor skill development. A favorite is the “rubber string game” in the circuit, where they step over or go under a rubber string, enhancing their physical development, balance, coordination, and spatial awareness. 


For Pre-K students in the Tsubame Class, group activities like “Daruma san ga Koronda” (similar to “Red Light, Green Light”) are ideal. Their advanced gross motor, social, and cognitive skills allow them to enjoy collaborative physical games with rules. This game was particularly engaging after learning about Daruma as a traditional decoration during Oshogatsu in Japan.

Supporting Gross Motor Development at Home in Winter?

As a vital part of your child’s growth and development, you can support their gross motor skills at home. Here are some activities to try:

  • Play hopscotch.

  • Set up a simple obstacle course.

  • Engage in games like Simon Says and Follow the Leader.

  • Try wheelbarrow walks.

  • Encourage pretending to be different animals with bear walks, crab walks, and frog jumps.

  • Walk along a balance beam or line on the floor.

  • Kneel and play balloon volleyball.

  • Bounce on a trampoline.

  • Have a freeze dance or dance party.

  • Play hide and seek.

  • Organize a scavenger hunt.

  • Do jumping jacks.

We thank you for your continuous support and partnership in fostering your child’s development.

Emi Tosabayashi