Saturday Pre-K Class


2024-2025 School Year

September 2024 – June 2025 :
32 Saturdays

Start Date:
September 14, 2024

Drop off time:
9:00-9:30 am

Pick up time:
12:30 pm-1:00 pm


238 St. Marks Avenue


This school year, the Saturday Pre-K class welcomes children born in 2020 who are eager to continue their journey in Japanese language and culture.

Join us in a fun, nurturing environment where young learners truly thrive! Our Saturday Pre-K class offers a once-a-week experience that mirrors the educational philosophy and approach of the Aozora Preschool Weekday Program. Here, your child will build confidence in Japanese, form lasting friendships, and become part of a joyful community. It's more than just a class—it's a place where your child will flourish, discovering the joy of language and culture every step of the way.


あおぞらは、子どもたちにとっていつも楽しく温かな学びの環境です。土曜日Pre-Kクラスは、Aozora Preschoolの平日プログラムと同じ教育理念と学びのアプローチを提供する、週に一度の特別な体験になります。ここでは、お子さまが日本語に自信を持ちながら友情を育むことができます。あおぞらコミュニティの一員として、お子さまが言語や文化の喜びを一歩一歩発見し、成長していく場です。


Saturday Pre-K Tuition

Tuition and Lunch Total: $3,760 / school year
(Tuition $3,328 and School Lunch Fee: $432)
Please note that no tuition reduction will be made or refund given, regardless of holidays, snow days, or days absent due to illness, vacation, or otherwise.

Other Fees

Late Pickups: $1 per minute

Children must be picked up on time, or a Late Pick Up Fee will be charged for every minute late using Aozora Community’s clock.