Personal Pronouns

(English Below)



たくさんのシスジェンダーの人たちが率先して代名詞を表明していくことによって、その行為が社会で定例となり、ノンバイナリーの人達も「私を呼ぶときはthey/themを使ってね。」と表明しやすくなります。私自身はシスジェンダーの女性ですが、「私を呼ぶときはshe/herを使ってね。」表明しています。私は、その行為自体に、「 世界には男性と女性以外の性意識を持つ人たちもいるのだということ、人の性表現は多様で、私は広い意味でのジェンダー平等をサポートしてます!」というメッセージを丸ごと世界に発信しているのだと思っています。



At Aozora we have been making small but important changes to the way we refer to ourselves and others in order to foster a fairer and more inclusive community. In particular to signal our support of the members of our community who do not identify themselves as having a particular gender.

It is becoming increasingly common to indicate personal pronouns in one’s email signature or name tag on zoom. At Aozora too, we have started adding our personal pronouns in our email signature line. We’ve also started asking people attending our community meetings to add their pronoun whenever we have zoom meetings etc. It is a small change but we feel it can make a big difference in the way we each feel welcomed as valued members of the community. 

Traditional societal norms will shift if more cisgender people join nonbinary people in articulating the manner in which they would like to be referred to. Making it easier for people to express their gender identity more freely. As a cisgender female, I believe that by stating my own personal pronouns as she/her, I signal my respect and support towards gender expressions other than male and female, and for gender diversity and gender equality more broadly. 

I hope that you will all join us by using your personal pronouns within the community as an  expression of support and inclusion.

Miho Nishimaniiwa

Miho: School Director